The work of good garden-keeping...proudly made in the USA
It's been a crazy whirlwind of winter of politics, pundits and protests-lots of ugliness and conflict. But it's also been warm with ample time for long walks, rallying together, marching arm and arm, garden prep, and spring flowers blooming a bit early. Difficult physical, emotional and intellectual challenges mixed with loving connections, humor and light. As the bulbs bravely push through the winter soils, the democratic spirit in many of us is compelled forward, working to nurture this thing we love so fiercely, American liberty. Gardening and democracy it seems require a good bit of hard work, persistence and stick-to-it-ness--spades, rakes, hoes and a sizable amount of wit are necessary. I was reminded by an experienced gardener, Mary Mason Campbell, "...Weeds, before going to seed are far better in the compost pile than in the garden, where they deprive the cultivated plants of moisture, food, light, and space."
RT @StevenBeschloss: My sense of this first debate: Elizabeth Warren arrived as the front runner among this group of 10. She left as the front runner.
RT @ExQKnowHow: The most prepared student: Five ways to promote intentional self-discovery in learning via @EdDiveK12
The most prepared student: Five ways to promote intentional self-discovery in learning via @EdDiveK12
RT @pejamo: While you're distracted by his coughing, Mulvaney fires all 25 members of the CFPB's advisory committee.
RT @sarahkendzior: Excellent statement on the need for an impeachment inquiry and the duty of Congress in this corrupt era. Every mem…
RT @ExQKnowHow: ExQ Founder cerebralmatters will be attending isteconnects June 23-26. Sign up to meet her and learn about ExQ! L…
RT @ExQKnowHow: We are excited to announce the launch of our new website! Learn about ExQ®, hear success stories, experience a dem…
So excited to share the announcement of @ExQKnowHow